OH MY PET Grooming

Professional Tips For Grooming Your Dogs

Professional tips for grooming your dog

Grooming is important for all dogs, even small ones like cutting their nails. For poodles, it can mean styling their hair in a pompadour with bows. But not everyone can go to the dog “salon” every month or has the means to do so. That’s why we’ve put together some tips for grooming your dog and tricks from professionals across the country.

These Tips for grooming your dog at home should help you save money, make your dog look like a million bucks, and make your life easy.

12 Tips for Professional Dog Grooming

Even though you might not be able to train a dog to be a winner, you can learn more through these tips for grooming your dog and keeping your dog clean and stylish.

1. Make a Routine

Setting a plan that works for both you and your dog is important. Every time, they use the same shampoo, bathe in the same place, and follow the same steps. This helps you out, and they’ll feel less stressed because they know what to expect. Make sure to wash their face and belly as well as the rest of their body, and make sure you rinse well. There shouldn’t be any shampoo left on the skin or in the coat.

2. Pick a shampoo

Just like for people, there are different shampoos for dogs. Your needs will determine what you pick:

  • You will use a flea shampoo to get rid of fleas.
  • If your skin is dry, try a shampoo with oatmeal in it.
  • Itchy skin, dandruff, or hot spots should get better with a therapeutic shampoo that has coal tar and hydrocortisone in it.
  • There is a shampoo for puppies that won’t make them cry. They move around a lot, and suds will get in their eyes no matter what, so use a shampoo that won’t make them tear up.
  • Buy a shampoo that whitens hair to make it look better.
  • The hypoallergenic shampoo is what you need if you have sensitive skin.

Most of the time, shampoos with oatmeal are the best basic choice. You can also use products on your dog’s skin and hair if they are dry or sensitive. It can also help get rid of mats.

3. Deshedding and de-matting

Implement a comb or brush to work through the coat while you rinse to get rid of any mats and extra hair that has fallen out. If you do this while they are swimming, it will be easier than when you are trying to dry them.

4. Grooming Tools

If you’re going to do all of the cleaning yourself, don’t skimp on the brushes, scissors, and trimmers you’ll need. This is a tip from a professional dog groomer. They will work better and last longer than their cheaper cousins. Clean your tools every time you use them and re-sharpen and oil them as needed to make them last longer.

5. Put your tools in order

 Having shampoo, combs, brushes, scissors, trimmers, and other tools all in one place will help the process go more quickly. There’s nothing worse than a scared dog running away while you look for the right tools.

6. Ask for help

A lot of dogs won’t stay still while you dry and trim their nails, so you may need some extra help. A Groomers Helper can help you clean your dog by stabilising him and stopping him from fighting, biting, or turning. Yes, it will speed up your work, and it will also make the dog feel better. If you don’t have the money for tools, ask a family member or friend who knows your pet well to help you.

7. Dry Off Before Grooming

 Before you clean your dog, make sure it is truly dry. Coats that are only partly dry will curl up more, which makes it hard to get an even cut. This way, you only have to use the clippers once instead of twice.

8. How to Use Clippers

You will need a pair of clippers and at least one blade to trim your dog’s fur. The numbers on the blades are different from those on human clipper blades. The number 1 is the smallest blade. Use a #5/8, #3, or #4 to keep your dog’s coat longer. Choose #5, #7, #9, or #10 for a shorter cut. Check to see if your blade is finish-cut or FC. The blades aren’t as sharp as a skip-tooth blade, which is something only professional groomers should use. The teeth are a little farther apart. Also, only use a #10 blade in the bathroom, under the arms and around the eyes.

9. Easy Grooming

When you trim your hair, always go with the way it lies. Hold the back away from you and press the tip of your blade against the skin. Then, to keep the skin from getting cut, pull it tight as you move the trimmer along the coat.

10. Trimming Paws

 One of the easiest ways to trim between the pads or around the edge of the paws is to move your dog to the edge of the work area. This will make it easier for you to reach.

11. The Right Tool for Trimming Nails

There are different types of clippers, such as electric dremel-style tools, scissor-style tools, and guillotine-style tools. You don’t need to buy an electric Dremel nail cutter. While it may be more expensive than the other types, the noise may bother your dog, who probably doesn’t like the process anyway.

12. How to trim the nails

To trim the nails, start with the back paws because they are not as sensitive. For sure, hold the paw in your hand. A 45-degree cut should be made to the end of the nail below the quick. There are a few small cuts you can make or one big cut. Just be careful not to cut too deeply. There are tips for grooming your dog in India on some clippers that only let you cut a small amount at a time. You can cut the nail down until there is a white circle with a small black dot in the middle.

Note: If you cut your nail too short, keep styptic powder (it comes in a special container) close by. It’s easy to grab the holder and dip the nail into it to stop the flow.

Bonus Tips for grooming your dog at home

Slip the end of a leg of pantyhose over your dog’s paw and poke the nails through the nylon. If you want to get really fancy, paint the toes. This will keep the pretty pink paint from getting dirty with the hair on the paws. 

With these Dog grooming tips for professionals, you’ll be able to clean your dog with confidence at home. So glad they were helpful. Now you and your pet friend are ready for a safe, healthy, and pleasant cleaning session.

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