OH MY PET Grooming

Dachshund Dog Breed Grooming, Height, Weight, Health Care Tips and Others

The Dachshund, commonly known as the “Sausage Dog,” originated in Germany and is primarily a hunting dog breed. They first appeared in the 1500s, but their popularity didn’t begin to soar until the 1700s. The English word for “badger dogs” perfectly describes their original purpose in life- to hunt badgers.

Because they had short legs, loose skin, big bodies, and a strong will, they were great at digging, getting into dens, and most importantly, killing badgers.

Originally developed in Germany as hunters, they are today among the most popular household pets due to their intelligence and love of play.

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Dachshund Dog Grooming- Keeping Their Coat and Skin Healthy

Dachshund dog grooming, the right way is important for keeping them healthy and looking good. Dachshunds have three different types of coats, and each one needs different care.

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Dachshunds with smooth coats

Dachshund Dog Grooming, Ohmypetgrooming
  • Need only minor cleaning.
  • Brushing once a week to get rid of loose fur.
  • Baths every once in a while with shampoos made just for dogs to keep the hair shiny.

Dachshunds with wire hair

  • Need to be groomed more often.
  • Twist-free fur- Brush their hair two to three times a week.
  • Get their stiff hair groomed by a professional regularly.
  • Dachshunds with long hair-

Need to be groomed the most.

  • To keep their fur from getting matted and tangled, brush it every day, especially around their ears and legs.
  • Spray moisturizing products on their fur to keep it soft and shiny.

Dachshunds also need to have their nails trimmed, ears cleaned, and teeth brushed regularly to stay healthy. Dachshund dog grooming isn’t just for looks- it’s also a chance to get to know your dog better and check for skin problems or bugs.

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Dachshund Dog Care Guide- Making Sure Your Pet Is Happy

Here’s how to take care of your Dachshund so it stays healthy-

  • Exercise– Taking them for walks and letting them play every day will keep them busy and mentally sharp.
  • Training– To get them to stop being stubborn, use positive feedback.
  • Checking on your health– Look out for signs of back problems or being overweight.
  • Socialization– To help them feel less anxious, introduce them to new people and things.
  • Comfortable Living Space– To protect their back, give them stairs and soft beds.

If you take good care of your Dachshund, it will be a healthy, happy, and loving pet.

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About Dachshund Dog Breed, History, Height, Weight, Color, and Age Limit

This guide talks about the Dachshund breed, from how to clean a Dachshund to how long they live, their background, and more. You will also find out how much Dachshund costs in India, their names, how to care for them, and their pros and cons. This blog will tell you everything you need to know about Dachshund dogs, whether you have had dogs before or this is your first time.

The history of the Dachshund dog is very interesting

Dachshund dog history- The Dachshund dog breed was created in Germany in the 1400s so that it could hunt badgers. In German, the word, “Dachshund,” means “badger dog,” which shows what they were originally used for.

From the 1500s to the 1800s, they were bred to dig dens and catch badgers, rabbits, and other small animals.

In the 19th century, they went from being hunting dogs to being pets, especially with royalty.

In the 20th century, they became a famous breed all over the world because of their unique looks and active personalities.

Because they are brave, smart, and flexible, Dachshunds have stayed famous for a long time and are loved all over the world.

Dachshund Dog Size and Weight- The Perfectly Small

When it comes to Dachshund dogs height and weight depend on whether they are normal or miniature-

Dachshund breed standard-

  • 8 to 9 inches tall at the shoulder.
  • 16 to 32 pounds in weight.
  • Kleine Dachshund-
  • 5 to 6 inches tall at the shoulder.
  • Not more than 11 pounds.

Because they are small, they work well in both flats and bigger homes. But because they have long backs, they need to be extra careful not to hurt them and do things like jumping or climbing stairs too much. To avoid becoming overweight, which can make back problems worse, you need to do a lot of exercise and watch your weight.

The Dachshund's life span- how long do they live

Dachshund dog lifespan- Dachshunds usually live between 12 and 16 years. Taking good care of them is very important for their health. With the right Dachshund dog diet, exercise, and regular trips to the vet, many Dachshunds live even longer.

Dachshund dog age limits are affected by the following-

  • Genetics– Having a good family can help you live longer.
  • Diet– Eat a balanced Dachshund dog diet to avoid fat and the health problems that come with it.
  • Exercise– Going for walks and playing with them every day is good for their mental and physical health.
  • Back Care– It is very important to avoid back problems and moving and climbing too much.

Dachshunds are known to live longer than other dog breeds. With the right care, they can stay happy and busy well into their senior years.

Dachshund Dog Colors- A Wide Range of Options

There are many Dachshund dog colors, so there is something for everyone. This breed has a lot of options, whether you like plain colors or designs that stand out-

They come in solid shades of red, black, chocolate, cream, and blue.

Patterns with more than one Dachshund dog color– dapple, brindle, sable, and piebald.

There are many different designs on a Dachshund’s hair, but some are more noticeable than others. Dachshunds are popular pets with photographers and pet lovers because of their bright colors and unique patterns.

Dachshund Diet and Food- Nutrition Is Important

It is very important for long-term health that you give them a varied, healthy Dachshund dog food. A good Dachshund dog diet plan will keep them healthy, active, and fit.

How to Feed Your Dachshund a Healthy Diet

Dachshund Dog food, ohmypetgrooming

Good Dachshund dog food– Pick a high-quality brand made for small breeds that has the right amount of protein, fat, and carbs.

Control Your Dog’s Portion- Dachshunds tend to eat too much, which can make them fat and hurt their backs. Based on their size and amount of energy, give them small, measured meals.

Snacks that are good for you- Instead of store-bought treats, try low-calorie treats like baby carrots, cucumber slices, or apples.

Don’t give your dog table scraps. Many things that people eat, like chocolate, grapes, and onions, are poisonous to dogs and should be avoided at all costs.

Getting enough water- Always give fresh water, especially after playing or working out.

For puppies, you should talk to your vet about specific meal times because Dachshund dog food needs are different from those of adults. A healthy Dachshund dog food helps keep the coat shiny, the muscles strong, and the dog healthy all around.

Dachshund dog names male and female

After getting a Dachshund, one of the best parts is coming up with the right name for your pet. There are a lot of Dachshund  dog names male and female, whether you want something fun, classic, or different-

Max, Oscar, Bruno, Rocky, and Duke are all male names.

Names for girls- Coco, Bella, Ruby, Daisy, and Luna.

Funny names are Snickers, Peanuts, Hot Dogs, Slinkies, and Sausage.

You can also get ideas for an important name from their German background or from how cute they are.

How Much Does a Dachshund Price in India? What You Need to Know Before You Buy

The Dachshund dog price in India is usually between ₹15,000 and ₹30,000. This depends on several factors, such as the dog’s lineage, the breeder’s name, and its location

  • Extra Dachshund  dog price in India to think about-
  • Cost of vaccinations- ₹5,000 to ₹10,000 per year.
  • Food- Good dog food costs ₹2,000 to ₹4,000 a month.
  • Costs between 1,000 and 3,000 naira per session, based on the type of coat.
  • Check-ups at the vet’s office- regular health checks and preventative care.

Even though the original Dachshund dog price in India is important, people who want to get a Dachshund should also be ready for the costs that will come up in the future to make sure the dog stays healthy and happy.

Good and Bad Things About Dachshunds- Should you get this breed?

Each dog breed has its pros and cons. 


  • Because they are small, they can fit in flats.
  • Always loyal, loving, and great with families.
  • fun and active, and a never-ending source of pleasure.


  • They often have back trouble because their spines are so long.
  • Will be stubborn and hard to train.
  • Need to be socialized to reduce the dog’s tendency to bark.

Discovering the pros and cons of the Dachshund dog breed will help you decide if this dog breed is right for your home.

Dachshund dog images- capturing their unique charm

Dachshund dog images are some of the most liked and shared pictures on the internet. It’s fun to take pictures of them because of their funny faces, playful behavior, and unique bodies. Dachshund owners love showing off their dogs’ cute poses and beautiful coats, which makes other dog lovers want to get one.

Dachshund is a brave and cute breed of dog.

The Dachshund is a small but strong dog breed known for having a long body and a strong will. Dachshunds are brave, quick, and smart. They were originally bred to hunt badgers and other animals that live in burrows. Their willingness to play and strong love make them great pets.

Dachshunds come with three different coat types- smooth, wirehaired, and longhaired. Dog fans can choose from different types of this breed because each has its own look and attitude. They are also known for their unique bark, which is very loud and deep for a small animal.

Dachshunds are happy and loyal, but they can be stubborn, which can make teaching them hard. But if you are patient and keep giving them treats, they can learn orders and act well as pets.

There is no other breed like the Dachshund. It has a long past, a unique look, and a lively attitude. It’s fun and satisfying to make sure your pet is healthy and happy, from cleaning your Dachshund to making sure it gets the right food and care.

No matter if you like Dachshunds for their bravery, their fun nature, or their sweet personality, they make great family pets. They will love and care for you for years to come if you give them the right care and attention.

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