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How to Know If a Dog Has Rabies?, Ohmypetgrooming

How to Know If a Dog Has Rabies (Experts Guide)

Rabies is a disastrous disease that poses a big threat to life, whether animal or human. Despite the evolution in veterinary science, there is still a risk of this disease, especially for dog owners. It is, therefore, very relevant for us to learn the details of rabies, from prevention measures to symptoms and, finally, treatment—all regarding the health and safety of ourselves and our dear fur balls.

Understanding About the Disease

Rabies, a viral disease, affects the central nervous system of mammals, including human beings. Infection occurs with the bite of an infected animal, like dogs, bats, raccoons, and foxes. The rabies virus travels from the wound area to the brain via the nerves and irritates the latter, eventually leading to encephalitis.

One can identify early human symptoms of rabies as fever, headache, and general weakness, which are fast progressing. It can further develop into severe neurological symptoms such as confusion, agitation, hallucinations, and hydrophobia (fear of water). 

A microscopic, thread-like rabies virus causes this viral disease. Rabies virus is transmitted through infected animals saliva. The standard transmission mode is through a bite, but it is also spread by scratches or open wounds that come in contact with the saliva of an infected animal.

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Importance of Awareness

Understanding the prevention and treatment methods for the disease is very important. Vaccination is one of the most preventive measures for humans and animals. If humans are bitten or scratched by an animal that could be infected with the rabies virus, they must seek PEP. PEP involves a series of injections against rabies and, in some cases, rabies immune globulin, which should be administered as soon as possible after exposure to the virus

Public health measures, such as controlling stray animal populations and pet vaccination, are, therefore, essential, especially in reducing the incidences of rabies. Thus, awareness of the risk of contracting rabies and the relevance of vaccination should also be considered for the prevention of this disease.

Symptoms of Rabies in Dogs

Know About Symptoms of Dogs Rabies, Ohmypetgrooming

Let’s dive more in detail about the signs and symptoms in dogs affected with rabies:

Early Symptoms {Prodromal Stage}

  • Behavioural Changes:
  • Unusual Anxiety or Nervousness: Unusual anxiety or nervousness in dogs
  • Shyness or Withdrawal: Previously, friendly dogs become shy or withdrawn.
  • Restlessness: Increased restlessness and inability to relax.
  • Fever: Mild fever in dogs.
  • Licking or Biting at the Site of the Bite: Dogs may bite or lick excessively in an area where they were bitten.

Furious Rabies (Excitative Stage)


  • Unprovoked Attacks: Dogs may become highly aggressive and may attack without hostility.
  • Biting: Increased tendency to bite even familiar people and objects.


  • Photophobia and Phonophobia: Light and noise sensitive.
  • Hypersensitivity to Touch: Sensitivity to touch usually evokes aggressive behaviour.
  • Disorientation and Hallucinations: The dogs appear confused, disoriented, and hallucinating.
  • Restlessness and Hyperactivity: There is extreme hyperactivity and restlessness.
  • Excessive Barking and Vocalization: Continuous and excessive barking, growling, and other vocalisations.

Paralytic Rabies (Dumb Stage)

  • Paralysis:
  • Jaw Paralysis: Drooping jaw and inability to close the mouth properly.
  • Paralysis of Limbs: Weakness and ultimate paralysis in the hind limbs, which advances to the front limbs.
  • Difficulty Swallowing: Difficulty in swallowing due to paralysis in throat muscles.
  • Drooling: Open drooling due to an inability to swallow.

General Symptoms

  • Changes in Behaviour:
  • Sudden Calmness: Sudden periods of calmness in aggressive dogs.
  • Unusual Friendliness: Unusually friendly behaviour in aggressive or shy dogs.
  • Lack of Appetite: The dogs may refuse to eat and drink.
  • Lethargy: General weakness and lethargy.
  • Vomit and Diarrhoea: Vomiting and diarrhoea at times.

Advanced Symptoms

  • Seizures: Seizures in dogs in the advancing stage.
  • Coma: Dogs may fall into a coma as the disease progresses.
  • Death: Death usually occurs within a few days to one week after the onset of symptoms and is almost always fatal.

Specific Neurological Symptoms

  • Ataxia: Loss of coordination and balance.
  • Pacing: Repetitive pacing or circling.
  • Eye Abnormalities:
  • Strabismus: Crossed eyes or abnormal eye movements.
  • Nystagmus: Fast, involuntary eye movements.
  • Abnormal Vocalisations: Pitch or tone change in the dog’s bark.

Late-Stage Symptoms

  • Cardiac Arrhythmias: Irregular heartbeats.
  • Respiratory Distress: Laboured breathing and increased breathing rate.
  • Extreme Weakness: Extreme weakness; inability to stand.

Importance of Vaccination against Rabies

Vaccination against this disease is the most effective way of preventing dog rabies. It guards your pet from such lethal viruses and helps control their community spread.

Dog Rabies Vaccine Price

The cost of rabies vaccination in dogs varies based on locations and veterinary practices. The rabies vaccine for dogs in India costs around INR 300-500 per dose. Therefore, it is essential for dog owners to consult their veterinarian on the status of their dog’s vaccination.

Rabies ingestion price for dogs also vary according to the veterinary services and experience. 

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Dog Anti Rabies Vaccine Price

The anti-rabies vaccine is given in case of possible exposure to the virus. This dog anti rabies vaccine price may be higher than the regular vaccination cost because of the urgency in administering the anti-rabies vaccine and the multiple doses that are required.

How to Know If my Dog Has Rabies?

Wondering how to know a dog has rabies? The symptoms of rabies in dogs typically pass through some developmental stages. Monitor the initial signs of behavioural change, such as aggressive or confused behaviour, excessive drooling, and trouble swallowing. As it worsens, there may be paralysis, seizures, and hypersensitivity to light or touch in dogs. 

To confirm the rabies, one must observe abnormal behaviour, coordination problems, and changes in vocalisation. More importantly, if there is suspected contact with rabies, either by contact with wild animals or not vaccinated dogs, then rush to the veterinary doctor.

Diagnosis involves post-mortem testing of brain tissue or other specialised tests. 

Early intervention is essential, for once symptoms of rabies appear, the disease becomes fatal, and early action can prevent transmission to humans or other animals.

Can a Dog Get Rabies if Vaccinated?

Pet owners often doubt – can a vaccinated dog get rabies?

A vaccinated dog can develop rabies, but the chances are low. Rabies vaccines are very effective in dogs and provide several years of immunity depending on the type of vaccine used and the local regulations regarding the disease. 

However, no vaccine is 100% effective. That means there is a slight possibility that, despite being vaccinated, a dog may contract rabies if exposed to an animal carrying this infection. 

As such, in these cases, the severity of the disease is reduced, and the dog has a better chance of survival than an unvaccinated dog. 

So, those who have the question that if a dog is vaccinated, can it get rabies, well, it can. 

Responsible vaccination and pet management reduce the possibility of transmission and provide safety to both pets and people.

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Rabies Injection Price for Dogs

The price of a rabies injection for dogs could vary, but it’s almost the same as that of a normal vaccine. It can be more if repeated administrations are necessary or if there is an emergency. In India, the price of a rabies injection for dogs ranges between INR 300 and INR 500.

Can Dog Licking Cause Rabies?

Other modes of transmission, such as through licking, aren’t that risky, but they might be harmful if the saliva of an infected dog gets into an open wound or the mucous membranes. Thus, it’s always much safer to avoid having direct contact with any saliva from an unfamiliar animal or one that could be infected.

Do Pet Dogs Have Rabies?

The most common way that pet dogs can become infected with rabies is through contact with another, already rabid animal if they are not vaccinated. Hence, one must vaccinate their pets adequately and avoid contact with wild animals.

Prevention of Rabies

  • Vaccination: Vaccinate your dog against rabies. This is crucial to prevent the virus from spreading if it becomes exposed.
  • No Contact with Wildlife: While outdoors, keep an eye on your dog, and try not to be in contact with any wild animals carrying or suspected to have the rabies virus, like bats, raccoons, or foxes.
  • Control Stray Animals: Report and avoid contact with stray dogs and other animals if they show signs of illness or aggression.
  • Monitor Health: Watch for any indication of illness in your dog, abnormal behaviour, or unnatural activities. If the dog shows aggression, drooling, or difficulty swallowing, contact a vet immediately.
  • Get Educated: Be aware of the risk of rabies in your locality and follow local vaccination and animal control regulations.

These factors may help mitigate the risk of transmission of rabies to your canine friends and aid in keeping them safe and healthy.

Rabies Vaccine for Dogs Near Me

If you want to vaccinate your pup and don’t know where to go, you can search on Google for the rabies vaccine for dogs near me. You can also contact local veterinary clinics, animal shelters, or the public health department in your area. Many communities also provide low-cost vaccination clinics.

Importance of Rabies Treatment

Some importance about Rabies treatment for Pets and Human

For Pets

Early medical attention and treatment are necessary to prevent the disease from becoming more lethal. In case a dog is bitten or scratched by a potentially rabid animal, it needs immediate attention and must undertake post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP).

For Humans

Rabies, a zoonotic disease, is transmitted from animals to humans. If infected, it definitely needs quick treatment. Thus, timely treatment after exposure prevents the virus from developing into a deadly condition.

Rabies Injection for Dogs

Rabies injections for dogs are an essential factor in the prevention of the disease. Thus, vaccinating at regular intervals is crucial for the safety of pets and humans.

Dogs Rabies Mosquito

While there is no recorded incidence of rabies transmission through mosquitoes, they still carry many other diseases. Keep your pets safe from all threats by taking certain precautions and keeping them on a regular vaccination.

How to know If A Dog Has Rabies?

In the quest of pets’ health, how to know if a dog has rabies is quite important. If you see the above-mentioned symptoms or if some wild animal bites your dog , you must visit a vet immediately. Early detection and treatment are the keys to preventing further fatal conditions.

Your Partner in Pet Care - Oh My Pet Grooming Services

To ensure that your pet lives happily, Oh My Pet stands out as a worthy provider of grooming, vaccination, and veterinary consulting services. For your pets’ health and safety, we offer various healthcare packages that include routine vaccinations against rabies and other diseases. From simple grooming sessions or checkups to absolute emergency service, Oh My Pet gives your fur baby the most compassionate professional care.


Rabies is a severe, almost deadly disease; thus, immediate action is needed in case of any suspicion. Understanding rabies signs and symptoms o in dogs, the importance of vaccination, and the cost of treatment are all critical aspects of being a responsible pet owner.

Keeping your dog updated with their vaccinations and seeking medical treatment when required will protect your pet and community from this virus.

Frequently Asked Questions

The first signs are generally a change in behaviour, a rise in temperature, and nervousness. Following these, it might show aggression, disorientation, paralysis, and too much salivation.

The rabies injection for dog price ranages between INR 300 to INR 500 per dose.

It’s quite possible for a vaccinated dog to develop rabies. Thus, regular booster shots are essential for continued protection.

Keep your dog vaccinated, and avoid contact with wild animals. Regular visits to a veterinarian are also important. Furthermore, seek medical advice immediately if your dog has been bitten or scratched.

If you suspect your dog has rabies, immediately take it to a vet. Early treatment is essential to safeguard your animal and those in contact with them from potential infection.
